Architecture, Exhibition, Film & Design
Project Bunker
Master Thesis Experimental Film
Project Bunker aims on rethinking the relation of Albanian bunkers with the landscape and the society by aiming to reinvigorate the meaning of the bunkers and Albanians’ collective memory.

Film Synopis
Under the regime of Enver Hoxha, the Albanian people lived in constant fear and paranoia. Hoxha’s isolationist policies culminated in the “bunkerization project” the construction of over 700.000 bunkers all over the country. A great financial and human cost to the nation. Today Albanians are living with the complicated and painful legacy of the regime, surrounded by bunkers. Struggling to make a transition from the painful and difficult traces of its past communist regime, today Albanians are finding new ways of co-existing and reusing the 700.000 bunkers which dot the whole landscape.
This thesis focuses on the collective memory of Albanians and investigates their relation to the bunkers. How do Albanians relate to the bunkers? What meaning do they carry and how did that change overtime? How do Albanians co-exist with these structures?
And most importantly can these bunkers become a mediator or a metaphor of Albanians traumatic past and a possible brighter future, in coexistence with the bunkers?
The main outcome of the thesis is the “Project Bunker” film, which aims to stimulate attention to aspects that matter, rise questions and perhaps answer some, it also intends to authentically express and transmit the experience I personally had during my visit in Albania and in some way to allow the audience enter my thought process.
PROJECT BUNKER film has three parts(acts): The past, The present and The future
Information for each part can be found on the next pages
The following pages include images of scenes from three different acts. The still images intend to elaborate and hint of how the films trajectory enfolds, its genre and stylistic theme within its cinematic expression. The reason of the still images is mainly done in order to present this project in this portfolio format.
The best way to experience it is during the evening over a glass of wine and some olives on the

Project Bunker Architectural Film
Project Bunker Architectural Film
Project Bunker has been part of Lund Architecture Film Festival where it was screened and its director was interviewd.
Below you can enjoy the film

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Rron Bexheti Project Bunker
Project Bunker Architectural Film Interview
This interview elaborates my thought proccess during this project, raises questions and intends on answering some.
What meaning do the bunkers carry and how did that change overtime? How do Albanians co-exist with these structures? And most importantly can these bunkers become a mediator or a metaphor of Albanians traumatic past and a possible brighter future, in coexistence with the bunkers? The essence of Project Bunker is based on theoretical research on the socio-phycological impact of painful/contested culture heritage and aims to reflect upon the possibilities of reinvigorating the meaning of the bunkers in relation with the landscape and the Albanian’s collective memory.