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The Common House

The Common House is situated in a green strech in a location in Denmark. It is a public workshop building for the local community, it also serves as a meeting point and it aims on embracing the beautiful green surrounding.

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column 01 render .jpg

Column Formfinding option 01: Gentle increse of volume to maintain stability

column 02.jpg
column 02 render .jpg

Column Formfinding option 03: Experimentation with self flowing / growing algorithm

column 03.jpg
column 03 render .jpg

Column Formfinding option 02:  Experimentation with Kangaroo & Grasshopper

column 04.jpg
column 04 render .jpg

Column Formfinding option 04:  Experimentation with Kangaroo & Grasshopper

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The workflow oriented process behind designing the 3d printed columns consists of computational grasshopper simulations
with plugin kangaroo. This is done in constant dialogue with engeneer specialists of Ramboll.


By minimizing the usage of concrete and integrating a thin steel cable in the middle of the column it is able to
keep the consistency to minimum thus keeping the structural integrity of the column.

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