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Architecture, Art and Social Resilience:
Exploring Tirana’s Built Environment as the city undergoes rapid densification Change and Construction

Workshop Image. Rron Bexheti_02.jpg

The workshop's theme focuses on exploring the contemporary, historical and trans disciplinary interconnections between architecture, art and the importance of storytelling in the field of artistic research. Investigating the role of the architect with its trans disciplinary predisposition and the intersection of architecture with social issues, climate change, urban fabric changes, difficult cultural and architectural heritage, collective memory and identity will enhance participatory efforts for achieving a livable and a resilient city which is currently under construction and rapid transition.

The unique challenges faced in Tirana as the city goes under rapid densification and construction with its complex history in combination with investigative analysis of the general theme at hand will lay the foundation for better understanding the complex issues of a city in transition and will enhance collaborative efforts for a reinvigorated and vibrant architectural fabric and built environment.

Students will engage in research, field studies, and creative problem-solving to explore these themes deeply. The workshop aims to inspire students to think critically about the role of the architect in shaping sustainable, equitable, future proof, diverse, and vibrant urban environments and architectural spaces which reflect clearly upon the collective memory of the people in relation to the context and its complex history.Themes to be investigated are:

Themes to be investigated are:

Architecture and Politics from an artistic perspective.

Gender inequalities in experiences of public spaces.

Difficult architectural, artistic and cultural heritage in the urban and rural fabric of Tirana and its cultural, artistic and revulsive manifestation by humans and non-humans.

Moments from the Workshop

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